Mr William Greer

I hold a Master of Pharmacy and am employed as a Senior Scientific Officer at Forensic Science Northern Ireland (FSNI). I currently specialise in the fields of toxicology and bulk drugs. Since commencing my employment with FSNI in March 2014, I have worked in a number of different sections throughout the agency, starting my forensic career in the Evidence Recovery Unit identifying body fluids on evidential items, collecting samples for DNA profiling, fibre and debris recovery and the chemical analysis of explosive items. In 2017, I progressed to become a Court Reporting Officer in the Alcohol, Drugs and Toxicology section, providing both written statements and acting as an Expert Witness to the criminal and coronial courts. I am the Innovation Lead for the Alcohol, Drugs and Toxicology section of FSNI and have developed novel methods for the recovery of spermatozoa from evidential items and the analysis of nitrite and nitrate in body fluids.  I am a member of both the United Kingdom and Ireland Association of Forensic Toxicologists (UKIAFT) and The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT).